Guidelines for Access and Use of IHYC Clubhouse & Rigging Area
Lease and License
IHYC has a lease for the clubhouse land and a license for the area south of the Community Hall, known as the rigging area.
Both agreements are with Bellarine Bayside, the managers of coastal Crown land, and include obligations for both parties to ensure safe use and ongoing management.
These agreements align with the Victorian Department of Energy, Environment, and Climate Action (DEECA) philosophy, prioritising coastal land for public enjoyment of the beach over buildings and parking.
This means that while we can use the clubhouse and rigging areas for our core activities - sailing and swimming - we must also be considerate of other beachgoers, and our use of the rigging area is not exclusive.
Note that events such as Wreck2Reef, Sail Bellarine, and weddings require additional applications and approvals from Bellarine Bayside.
Public Liability
Public Liability Insurance (PLI) is a significant obligation and expense under our license and lease, providing indemnity for Bellarine Bayside and DEECA.
PLI covers IHYC's core activities, including sailing, swimming, and member social events. However, IHYC will not be covered if we receive a claim for injury arising from a non-core activity.
Becoming a Member of IHYC
IHYC is dedicated to providing a safe and enjoyable experience for all members and visitors and has policies regarding behaviour and values. Please refer to our website for our Rules, By-Laws, and Policies.
Becoming a member of IHYC means committing to these behaviours and values.
IHYC prides itself on being a welcoming and friendly club, and we will vigorously uphold that ethos.
To this end, IHYC has guidelines to clarify usage and provide guidance for what works best for everyone.
Guidelines for Use of the Clubhouse
Members are welcome to use the clubhouse at any time.
Members may host guests; the hosting member is responsible for the guest's behaviour and well-being.
Members may consume their own alcohol in the clubhouse, but consumption must comply with the BYO license granted to IHYC. Details on the BYO license and conditions are available at IHYC BYO License.
Please respect the clubhouse and fellow members by leaving it clean and tidy. In all cases, please use your common sense!
Guidelines for Use of the Rigging Area
Sailing - member cars and trailers may park in the rigging area for boat rigging and preparation.
Learn2Sail – L2S member cars may park in the rigging area while undertaking course activities.
Swimming - when campers are present at Indented Head, members may park in the rigging area for swimming preparation between 5:30 AM and 9:30 AM. Outside of these hours, members are asked to park in designated areas beside the road.
Opening and closing the gates to the Rigging Area
IHBC has installed gates between the laneway and the IHYC rigging area, which need to be opened for access. The gates are large and can be challenging to open & close on high-wind days.
If the wind is causing issues, please put your safety first and get to the rigging area by driving on the beach side of the Hall.
The Committee asks members to close and lock the IHBC gates at the end of swimming or sailing.
Guarding Against Misuse
IHYC has a responsibility to prevent misuse of the lease and licensed area. Examples of misuse include:
- Vehicles - general public parking in the rigging area.
- Camping - individuals camping in the rigging area without permission from Bellarine Bayside.
- Events - gatherings for social, club, or sporting activities without the necessary permits.
If members become aware of any misuse, please inform a Committee member with the relevant details.
IHYC aims to avoid any activities that could be regarded as non-core, as the club is not covered by public liability in such cases, which puts both the club and the Committee at risk.